ஞாயிறு, 7 ஏப்ரல், 2019

TET Exam 2019.English - Syllabification

TET Exam 2019.English - Syllabification

Syllabification Definition:

Syllabification has SIX types, they are :


2.Disyllabic (or) Bisyllabic




6.Polysyllabic (or) Multisyllabic

🍀 But the basic syllabifications are Mono-syllabic, Di-syllabic and Poly-syllabic.

🍀 Syllable is the unit of pronunciation. Syllables are calculated according to the vowel sound (not the vowel letter) in the word.

🍀 Words have one syllable are called ′Mono syllabic word′. Words having more than one syllable are called ′Polysyllabic words′.


1. Mono syllabic (Words having only one syllable)

all, at, bank, book, cat, name, thought

2.Di syllabic (Words having only two syllables)

al-so, bow-ler, heal-thy, vi-gour, won-der

3.Tri syllabic (Words having only three syllables)

ad-ven-ture, beau-ti-ful, prin-ci-pal

4.Tetra syllabic (four syllables)

in-for-ma-tion, cul-ti-va-tion, in-vi-ta-tion

5.Penta syllabic (five syllables)

de-ter-mi-na-tion, mul-ti-pli-ca-tion, com-mun-i-ca-tion

6.Polysyllabic Word (Words having four or more syllables)

per-so-ni-fi-ca-tion, syl-la-bi-fi-ca-tion, in-fe-ri-o-ri-ty

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